Container sterilization

Everything you need to know about sterilization of containers for canned food and ready-made meals

Are you in the canned food or ready-made meals business?

At TERRA Food-Tech® we understand the importance of food container sterilization, especially when producing canned food and ready-made meals.

Whether you are involved in the production of canned food and ready-made meals or you are considering it, we want to be your ally in this process, offering you detailed information and practical tips for successful container sterilization.

In our specialized section, you will find specific guides for each type of container. You will learn about the characteristics and particularities of each of them, and we will provide you with clear steps and useful tips for pasteurizing or sterilizing food containers such as cans, glass jars, trays, bottles, plastic containers and pouches.

Container sterilization with TERRA Food-Tech® autoclaves

Find out the best type of container for your product’s needs and requirements and learn how to sterilize containers to ensure the safety and quality of your food.

You have probably seen on the shelves of your supermarket a wide variety of preserves packaged in cans. In past...
Are plastic containers the most suitable ones for my canned foods? Can this material resist the high temperatures involved in...
The purpose of this article is to inform you about the special features of this plastic container with regard to...
In this article we want to let you know the pros and cons of choosing bottles as containers for your...
In this section you will discover the particularities of pasteurizing or sterilizing any food packaged in a plastic tray, also...
The use of autoclaves for sterilizing food in glass jars has revolutionized the way we preserve food, guaranteeing both quality...

Our autoclaves for container sterilization



TERRA Food-Tech® is more than just a manufacturer of autoclaves for sterilizing containers. We also offer technical and food counseling.

Purchasing one of our autoclaves is much more than buying a professional equipment to pasteurize or sterilize food containers or test the quality of your products. You can also count on the support of our food engineering technicians to advise you before, during or after heat treatment.

For TERRA Food-Tech® it is essential to be able to offer a food counseling service because it is the best way to get the most out of your autoclave. This is the only way to achieve your goal and quickly amortize your investment.

Yes, our goal as a company is to sell autoclaves. But not by any means. Your satisfaction is our best advertising campaign.

Autoclaves alimentarias TERRA Food-Tech®

Our customers' satisfaction speaks for us

“We needed a modern, intelligent, reliable and fully controllable autoclave to adapt it to our specific needs, and TERRA Food-Tech® autoclave has fully met our requirements.”

Read more
Xavier Roura
Owner of Spherience

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