Autoclaves for entrepreneurs
Discover how can we help you make your dream come true
Autoclaves for entrepreneurs
Discover how can we help you make your dream come true
Autoclaves for entrepreneurs
Discover how can we help you make your dream come true
Autoclaves for entrepreneurs
Discover how can we help you make your dream come true
Autoclaves for entrepreneurs
Discover how can we help you make your dream come true
Autoclaves for entrepreneurs
Discover how can we help you make your dream come true

Autoclaves for entrepreneurs

TERRA Food-Tech® offers a line of autoclaves with counterpressure and fast cooling for entrepreneurs, farmers, cooperatives, small workshops and local associations that want to prepare and market their own preserves in a comfortable, safe and simple way.

Our autoclaves are designed to cook, sterilize and pasteurize gourmet, artisan or organic preserves in a controlled way by means a heart temperature probe, which allows a perfect control of the entire process while maintaining the organoleptic properties and nutritional characteristics of the food product.


Terra Food-Tech® autoclaves are designed for performing a precise and reproducible cooking, pasteurization* and sterilization of all types of packaged foods: fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, soups, creams, purees, juices, jams, sauces, stir-fries, pâtés, ready meals.

Our autoclaves can cook, pasteurize or sterilize all types of food from 90°C to 130°C according to the specific characteristics of each product**.

*Pasteurization requirements may vary depending on the acceptance criteria of each country. Check local regulations to determine the suitability of our equipment for your specific application.

**For pasteurization at temperatures below 90ºC, contact us.


Compatible packaging options include all sorts of containers and materials: glass jars, trays, bottles, envelopes, pouches, plastic containers or cans.

You tell us what container you want to work with and we can adapt our racks and baskets to your needs. We also carry out productivity studies according to the autoclave model and chosen container so that you get the most out of your autoclave.


Compatible packaging options include all sorts of containers and materials: glass jars, trays, bottles, envelopes, pouches, plastic containers or cans.

You tell us what container you want to work with and we can adapt our racks and baskets to your needs. We also carry out productivity studies according to the autoclave model and chosen container so that you get the most out of your autoclave.

Professional accompaniment


Our autoclaves will allow you to have the traceability required by the health authorities. They record each cycle and batch individually, with a detailed evolution in time of all parameters. Later on they can be analyzed with an optional software and generate PDF reports, with the option of exporting the data with a USB Pendrive or Ethernet connection.

Professional food consultancy included

The purchase of one of our autoclaves includes a food consultancy service. We offer technical, legal, labeling and agri-food guidance  for small producers who are just getting started in the preparation of preserves or ready meals.

Our compact preserved food autoclaves allow you to make your own preserves and ready meals autonomously, simplifying the production process.

The product can be introduced raw and take advantage of the pasteurization or sterilization cycle to cook it, being able to cook it previously at a low temperature for a certain time and then raise the temperature and pasteurize or sterilize in the same cycle.

Working with us is very easy: we have a lot of experience offering training, technical and food advice to entrepreneurs, farmers, agrotourisms, cooperatives, small associations and chefs who want to make their own ready meals or preserves.

We provide training, technical advice, support in the start-up and consultancy services during product development. We also help to evaluate your production process, product formula and we provide technical support on health legislation and labeling.

Working with us is very easy: we have a lot of experience offering training, technical and food advice to entrepreneurs, farmers, agrotourisms, cooperatives, small associations and chefs who want to make their own ready meals or preserves.

We provide training, technical advice, support in the start-up and consultancy services during product development. We also help to evaluate your production process, product formula and we provide technical support on health legislation and labeling.

An expert company behind

TERRA Food-Tech® autoclaves were born inside RAYPA, a company with more than 50 years of experience designing and manufacturing compact autoclaves in Barcelona

Success stories

Main features

The different characteristics of TERRA Food-Tech ®  autoclaves make a small equipment a great partner for an effective, fast and efficient production.

F₀ - P₀


Counter pressure

Programmable value so that the containers do not break


Process management and storage of your results


Continuous monitoring of the process


Fast cooling to avoid overcooking the product


and user safety

Main benefits

Calculation of productive capacity

Calculate online and for free you productive capacity per cycle, the amount of containers that you can process per cycle according to each model of our autoclaves.


If you need more information about our autoclaves, do not hesitate to contact us

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